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What is Out-of-Stocks Statistics?

When new orders with insufficient inventory enter Out of Stock list, the quantities of shortage products can be quickly calculated through the Out-of-Stocks Statistics function, so that the targeted and rapid replenishment can be achieved.

Step:  Go to Orders >New Orders > Out of Stock > Click on Out-of-Stock Statistics.

Calculation Formula: Out-of-Stock orders required inventory qty - Out-of-Stock orders allocated inventory qty - available inventory qty

For example: There are three orders, corresponding to Merchant SKU [A], SKU [B] and a combination SKU [A+B] (The combination SKU contains SKU [A]*1 and SKU [B]*1).
Inventory List On Hand Allocated Available
SKU [A] 20 15 5
SKU [B] 0 0 0

Order 1: purchased [A]*5, allocated [A]*5 -- In Stock
Order 2: purchased [A+B]*10 -- Out-of-Stock
Order 3: purchased [A]*10 and [B]*10, allocated [A]*10 and [B]*0 -- Out-of-Stock

Now the calculation is:
[A]out-of-stocks qty= Out-of-Stock orders required inventory qty(20) - Out-of-Stock orders allocated inventory qty(10) - available inventory qty(5) = 5

[B]out-of-stocks qty= Out-of-Stock orders required inventory qty(20) - Out-of-Stock orders allocated inventory qty(0) - available inventory qty(0) = 20

Each file can export up to 5000 data, and if there are more than 5000,  multiple files will be exported.

How to add the product inventory

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