
Steps to Process Shopee After Sales Orders

The Aftersales Manage feature helps sellers efficiently handle aftersales requests and order disputes for Shopee. Additionaly, BigSeller will monitor logistics tracking to help sellers promptly manage returned items that arrive at the warehouse.

1. After Sales Order: This page allows you to manage Shopee return and refund-only orders, including viewing the aftersales status, return status of packages, and facilitating negotiations between buyers and Shopee for resolution.

2. Stock-In / Returns: The pending return, returning and returned packages will automatically appear on the Stock-In / Returns page. On this page, you can quickly stock-in the returned items when the packages arrive at the warehouse.

💡 Note: If a sub-account wants to use this feature, the main account must grant its permission to the roles.


Part I: Process After Sales Orders

Go to After Sales Orders Processing Page > Select Shopee

1. Types of After Sales

There are 3 after sales types: Return & Refund, Refund-Only, Abnormal Return


1.1 Return & Refund: The buyer requests to return the product and get a refund.

1.2 Refund Only: The buyer applies for a refund without returning the product.

1.3 Abnormal Return: This happens when the buyer hasn't requested a return or refund, but the order is detected as returning to the seller’s warehouse due to refusal to sign, platform recall, unreachable buyer, or logistics issues.

2. After Sales Order Status

After selecting the after-sales type, you will see 6 after-sales order statuses: Requested, Return Processing, Judging, Request Closed, and Request Cancelled.

The following section explains when refund-only and return & refund orders will enter each of these statuses.


2.1  Refund Only Orders

1) Requested: When refund-only request initiated by buyers, the order will appear in this list.

2) Return Processing: The buyer requests a refund when the parcel is already in transit, and the parcel will be returned to the warehouse.

3) Judging: Dispute initiated by seller or buyer

4) Refund Accepted:

  • 4.1 Seller has made an agreement with the buyer on the refund proposal.

  • 4.2  Automatically accepted by Shopee

  • After the platform intervened in the dispute between the buyer and seller, it ruled in favor of the buyer and automatically approved the buyer's refund only request

  • Seller failed to respond within the time limit, so the platform automatically approved the buyer's proposal.

5) Cancelled: Refund-only request cancelled by buyer or Shopee

Request Closed: Dispute closed by Shopee

  • After Shopee intervenes in the dispute between the buyer and seller, it rules in favor of the seller, closes the buyer's proposal.

2.2 Return and Refund Orders

1)Return Processing:
When buyer has initiated a return & refund request and approved by Shopee, the order will appear in this list.

2)Judging: Seller has initiated a dispute when the buyer returns the item.

  • 3.1 ) Seller clicked "agree to the refund" after an agreement is made on the refund proposal.

  • 3.2 ) Automatically accepted by Shopee
    • After the platform intervenes in the dispute between the buyer and seller, it rules in favor of the buyer and automatically approves the buyer's proposal

    • Seller failed to respond within the time limit, so the platform automatically approved the buyer's proposal.

4)Cancelled: Return and refund request cancelled by buyer or Shopee

5) Request
Closed: Dispute closed by Shopee
  • After the shopee intervenes in the dispute between the buyer and seller, it rules in favor of the seller, closes the buyer's proposal

2.3 Abnormal Return

1) For Abnormal Return orders, The after-sales status of the order will not be displayed.

2) After-sales operations such as Accept Buyer Proposal, proposal and Dispute are not allowed. However, you can still reprint the shipping label and add after-sales notes.

3. Actions to Process After-Sales Orders

1) When a buyer initiates a request, if there is no objection to the buyer's request, you can choose to accept the buyer's proposal in Requested (for refund only request) or Return Processing (for return & refund requests) lists. The after sales order will then move to Accepted list.

2) If the seller disagrees, you can offer counter proposal (You will have 2 counter proposals for each refund negotiation).

  • If the platform provides an alternative solution, the negotiation can continue based on that.

  • If no alternative solution is provided, a dispute can be initiated.

3) Seller can initiate a dispute with Shopee. The after sales orders will then move to Judging list.

  • For refund only request, if you disagree with Shopee’s refund decision for a buyer’s request, you can raise a dispute within a specific time frame.

  • For return & refund cases, you can raise a dispute if you have objections regarding the return request or the returned package.

💡Note: Once a final decision is made, no further disputes can be initiated.
  • If seller wins, Shopee will close the case, and the order will move to Closed.

  • If buyer wins, the order will move to Accepted.

4. Return Status

You can check the return status of the package to ensure it is processed promptly.

  • To Return: For return & refund orders where the seller and buyer have agreed to return/refund, and the package is to be returned by the buyer.

  • Returning: The package is being returned to the seller's warehouse.

  • Returned: The package has been returned to the seller's warehouse.

  • Other: Refund-only orders, return/refund orders still under negotiation, or other special circumstances.

Part II: Stock-In Returned Items

After reaching an agreement with the buyer and receiving the returned item, you can proceed with stocking in returned SKUs to your receving warehouse.
BigSeller will monitor the logistics tracking to help sellers promptly manage returned items upon arrival at the warehouse.

1. Go to Orders > After Sales Manage > Stock-In / Return page



Receiving warehouse for returns:

  • If a default return warehouse is set, returns will be sent there.

  • If no default return warehouse is set, returns will go back to the original shipping warehouse.

You can choose to manually stock-in or scan to stock in.


  • Method 1: Manually stock in returned SKUs to your receving warehouse

  • Method 2: Batch Stock-in for Returns
  • Method 3: Scan (tracking / order / package / return tracking number) on the parcel to stock in


Part III: Other Available Actions on the After-Sales Order or Stock-In / Return page

Remove Order:After removing the order on the After-Sales Order or Stock-In / Return page, it will disappear from the list, and no further actions can be performed on the order. Please proceed with caution.

2. Print Labels: You can print merchant SKU labels. After receiving the returned package, attach the label to the SKU for stocking in.

3.  Notes for After Sales:
You can add notes on After Sales Order Page, which allows you to record important details about the after-sales order, making it easier to reference information when processing returns / refund.

4. Notes for Stock-In: You can add stock-in notes on Stock-In/ Return page

