How to process Lazada Choice orders (JIT)?
On BigSeller, you can process JIT Fulfillment by Seller and JIT Stock Orders for Lazada Choice stores.
Lazada JIT Stock Orders: After the buyer places an order, the Lazada platform generates a purchase order (PO) for the seller. > The seller needs to deliver the goods to Lazada's official warehouse within 24 hours. > Lazada official warehouse packages and delivers orders to the buyer;
Lazada JIT Fulfillment by Seller: The seller sends the goods directly to the buyer, similar to a regular Lazada order.
The JIT mode is particularly suitable for sellers with a wide range of sales categories, which can reduce the pressure of stocking and inventory management.

💡 If you select to print "with label" > When printing the shipping label, the product label will also be printed out.
② JIT Fulfillment by Seller: If the seller sends the goods directly to the buyer, you can customize the logistics under "Shipping Method for Lazada".

Step 1: Go to Orders > Processing Orders > New Orders > Select Lazada Choice Orders > click Pack
After packing successfully, the orders will move to In Process Ordes list.

Step 2: Go to In Process Orders list > print the shipping label

Step 3: After printing the shipping label successfully, you can ship the orders.
- Method 1 Regular Ship
Select orders > Click ship
The caogo carry method will be Express Delivery by default.

- Method 2 Bundled Package Shipment
For the JIT Stock orders, if you need to ship with bundled package, please use the [Bundled Package Shipment].
Bundled Package: Refers to packing multiple packages into a large box.
Select Orders > Go to Bulk Actions - Bundled Package Shipment

Select the Express Delivery or Seller Delivery > enter the logistics info > Confirm
Only JIT stock orders from Lazada Choice are supported.
Up to 100 orders can be selected at a time with the same receiving warehouse.
After the bundled package shipment is completed, the system will automatically generate a bundled package number starting with "BP" and move the corresponding order into Shipped list.
to check the order qty, SKU qty in the bundled package, and the corresponding tracking number.

1. Introduction
CHOICE is Lazada's newly launched platform channel which aims to "bring the best value products of the world to Southeast Asian consumers". The seller publishes products on the platform, and the platform is responsible for operating and selling them. The seller does not need to prepare goods in advance to the platform warehouse.Lazada JIT Stock Orders: After the buyer places an order, the Lazada platform generates a purchase order (PO) for the seller. > The seller needs to deliver the goods to Lazada's official warehouse within 24 hours. > Lazada official warehouse packages and delivers orders to the buyer;
Lazada JIT Fulfillment by Seller: The seller sends the goods directly to the buyer, similar to a regular Lazada order.
The JIT mode is particularly suitable for sellers with a wide range of sales categories, which can reduce the pressure of stocking and inventory management.
2. Order Processing
The steps of Lazada JIT Fulfillment by Seller is the same as the regular Lazada order. This article mainly introduces the processing steps of Lazada JIT Stock Orders.2.1 Logistics Setting
① JIT Stock Orders: You can only print the standard shipping label for PO currently.

💡 If you select to print "with label" > When printing the shipping label, the product label will also be printed out.
② JIT Fulfillment by Seller: If the seller sends the goods directly to the buyer, you can customize the logistics under "Shipping Method for Lazada".

2.2 Pack&Ship Orders
Bigseller supports synchronizing the order data within 14 days after authorizing the Lazada Choice store.Step 1: Go to Orders > Processing Orders > New Orders > Select Lazada Choice Orders > click Pack
After packing successfully, the orders will move to In Process Ordes list.

Step 2: Go to In Process Orders list > print the shipping label

Step 3: After printing the shipping label successfully, you can ship the orders.
- Method 1 Regular Ship
Select orders > Click ship
The caogo carry method will be Express Delivery by default.

- Method 2 Bundled Package Shipment
For the JIT Stock orders, if you need to ship with bundled package, please use the [Bundled Package Shipment].
Bundled Package: Refers to packing multiple packages into a large box.
Select Orders > Go to Bulk Actions - Bundled Package Shipment

Select the Express Delivery or Seller Delivery > enter the logistics info > Confirm

- Express Delivery: Delivery the packages to official warehouse by logistics. Need to enter the courier name and tracking number.
- Seller Delivery: The seller delivers the packages themselves to the official warehouse. Need to fill in car number, estimated volume, and driver's phone number.
Only JIT stock orders from Lazada Choice are supported.
Up to 100 orders can be selected at a time with the same receiving warehouse.
After the bundled package shipment is completed, the system will automatically generate a bundled package number starting with "BP" and move the corresponding order into Shipped list.

2.3 Bundled Package Manage
Go to Orders > Order Tools > Bundled Package Manageto check the order qty, SKU qty in the bundled package, and the corresponding tracking number.

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