Introduction to Task Report
In this article, you will know what Task Report is and how it works. This feature aims to help you check the daily work performance of the warehouse workers.
1. You can set the permissions of marketplaces, stores, and warehouses for sub-accounts and each sub-account only access the data they are permitted to view;
2. Orders must be processed (Click “Pack” and “Ship”) in BigSeller. Otherwise, data won’t be shown in “Task Report“. If you only pack the order and don’t ship it in BigSeller, only the data of packing will be calculated in the report.
3. After enabling the WMS function, the system will only calculate the number of picked waves, the number of picked packages, and other fields. Picking data only includes data on picking using PDA (the system automatically obtains picker info.)
How does it work:
In this report, the data on packing, PDA picking, shipping, and printing shipping labels, pick lists, and invoices will be counted,
[Pack]: the number of orders that a worker successfully packs by clicking “Pack” over the selected period.
[Print Shipping Label]: the number of times that shipping labels are marked as printed over the selected period.
① It will not be counted if the shipping label is printed but not marked as printed.
② It will be counted multiple times if the same account prints the same shipping label and marks it as printed multiple times.
Eg: if Account A prints the same shipping label and marks it as printed 3 times, it will be counted 3 times.
③ if the same shipping label is marked as printed by different accounts, it will be recorded on each account.
Eg: if Account A and B print the same shipping label and mark it as printed 1 time, it will be counted 1 time on Account A and B respectively. (The total is 2 times.)
[Print Pick List]: the number of times that a worker marks a pick list as printed over the selected period.
①The data of four operations will be counted: Print Pick List, Print Label & Pick List, Print Pick List (with summary), and Print Summary.
② If the pick list, label & pick list, and pick list (summary) are printed but not marked as printed, they will not be counted.
③ It will be counted when the Summary is just printed. (No need to mark it as printed)
[PDA Picking]: the number of orders that were successfully picked by PDA in BigSeller.
[Ship]: the number of orders that a worker successfully ships by clicking “Ship” in BigSeller.
The data of three operations will be counted: Manually Ship, Scan to Inspect, and Scan to Ship.
[Print Invoice]: the number of times that a worker prints invoices in BigSeller over the selected period.