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Connect stores to BigSeller - Blibli

Please connect your store to Bigseller
on the device where you often log into your store.

If you have set the Signature key, please turn it off before authorization, otherwise cannot be authorized.

To connect your Blibli Seller account with BigSeller, you will need the below credentials-

  • Store Code
  • API-Seller-Key

Please refer to the below process to get these required credentials from Blibli,

Step 1:

Login to the Blibli Seller Center.

Step 2:
Copy the Store Code

Click on the user profile at the top right corner of the page & select the Store Info. You can find the Store Code in the left section as shown in screen-shot below.

Step 3: Bind BigSeller API client and Generate API Seller Key

API Client ID:  mta-api-easyshopnetworktechnologyhklimited-fbffa

Step 4:
- Entrance A

Go to the BigSeller dashboard page > Setup Wizard > click BliBli > enter the nickname, Seller ID and API seller key > connect store

- Entrance B
You also can go to the setting page to complete the authorization steps.

Please contact us if the document can't answer your questions