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What is the Difference between Sync Product - Sync Selected and Sync All

  • Sync Selected means selecting a few products first and then clicking the button to sync the latest information from the Seller Center to BigSeller.

  • Sync All does not require selecting products beforehand. Clicking the button will update products from the Seller Center that have not yet been synced to BigSeller.

Note:For TikTok Shop, please note that Sync All will not sync products already displayed in BigSeller. For example, the content quality of TikTok products will not be updated. If you need to update the content quality of existing TikTok products, please select the TikTok products first and then click Sync Selected.

What is draft, publishing, failed and active products?


Draft is supplied for you to save your product information before publishing.

You can save to draft first when publishing if you have not filled out all information or do not want to publish to the marketplace immediately.

Publishing Products

When listing the products to the marketplace, the marketplace will be in the process of product inspection. After inspection, they will send us the feedback. Publishing products are those waiting for marketplace feedback.

After getting feedback from the marketplaces, you can see them on Active or Failed listing.


Failed Products

When listing products to the marketplace, the marketplace will be in the process of product inspection. After that, they will send us feedback. Failed products are those failed to list on the marketplaces.

Note: Please check the reason under the product (as below position), and correct the information to meet the requirement of the marketplaces. And then, you can try publishing again.


Active Products

Active products are those successfully listed on the marketplaces. That means you can also find them on the seller center of the marketplaces.


Why BigSeller doesn't sync the product changes in seller center?
If you changed product information in seller center, you need to click click Sync Product > Sync All, then the changes will be synced to BigSeller.
Why the new published products in seller center are not shown on BigSeller?
If you published new products in seller center, you need to click Sync Product > Sync All, then the new published products will be synced to BigSeller.
Why the product stock is not same on BigSeller and seller center after syncing products?
If you want to sync the exact stock for your active products, you need to click this Sync button for individual product, or you can select some products and click Sync Selected.
Why BigSeller contains the products that I actually deleted on marketplaces actually?

The products that you deleted on marketplaces will be shown on BigSeller if they synced before deleting.  But if needs, you can delete on BigSeller by the 3 steps below:

Go to Products > Active

Select a product > Click on Delete

The confirmation message will be shown below, please click on Delete.

You can also select some products and delete in bulk with one click.

How to export product images?
You can go to product editing page, then click here to export images.

How to resolve the System Error when scraping Lazada products?
If you meet 'System error, please try again' when importing products from Lazada, you can refer to the below steps to resolve this error.

Step 1:

Select a product randomly then click 'Open link in new tab' to go to this product's details page, then slide to verify.

Step 2:
Go back to the previous error page and continue to scrape products.

How to resolve the "System error, please try again" error when importing products from Taobao?
If you meet the error "System error, please try again" when importing products from Taobao, you can directly reload(refresh) that error page and continue to scrape again or refer to the below steps to resolve it.

Step 1:
Select a product randomly then click "Open link in new tab" to go to this product's details page, then slide to verify.

Step 2:
Go back to the previous error page and continue to scrape products.

How to edit store categories on Bigseller


This feature allows you to maintain and manage your Shopee store categories in BigSeller, supporting creation, editing, and sorting.

2. Note

1You need to manually sync to update the latest categories information, and automatic update is not supported at present; Manual, regular and system categories can be synchronized;
2Manual categories supports creation, editing, viewing and sync, while regular categories and system categories only support viewing and sync;

3. Instruction

Adjust Sequence: Click here to drag and adjust the category sequence

+Add Category: Click here to add new category

Sync Category: Click here to sync the latest categories from seller center


Edit Icon: Click here to edit the category& add new product on it

Note: this is for manual category only


View Icon: Click here to view the individual category

Preview: Click here to preview the categories shown on seller center

Why does the product not have the variation info after being imported or copied to Lazada?
After importing or copying a product to Lazada, you have to select the category and variation first then you can start to edit this Lazada product. Or this product will lose all the variation info.

Why is there no warehouse option when editing TikTok products?
When I copy products from other platforms to TikTok and prepare for uploading, there is an issue with no warehouse option, and I have already created a warehouse in BigSeller, but why?

A: Because you need to set up a warehouse in the TikTok seller center first, and go back to BigSeller, click the "refresh" icon next to the warehouse option. You will find a warehouse option then~

Can I edit before import? What Can I edit?

For the scraped listings, you can edit basic information like description, variation and pictures, etc before import

How to edit the stock for active products?

We suggest you sync the product to check the current stock before editing.

Step 1:

Go to Active > Mouse hover on the product row > Click on Edit icon


Step 2:

Input the value > Click on Confirm


How to delist products (deactivate) ?

Method 1: Delist Single Product

Click on Delist button as below

Method 2:Delist In Bulk

Select Proudct > Click on Delist

Can I delete existing products from marketplaces by BigSeller?

Now we do not support deleting existing products from marketplaces. You can just delete products on BigSeller.

Can I edit products in bulk on failed listings?

You can bulk edit products on Failed Listings

Bulk Edit Product Information

Select products > Click on Bulk Edit  > Edit the information > Click on Save

For Lazada, you may be redirected to category mapping first. Please map the category and variants first. 


Bulk Edit Categories and Attributes (Shopee)

Select Products > Click on Bulk Actions > Edit Category > fill out the information > Click on Confirm

Can I delete the watermark after adding to my products?
If the watermark has been added to your product and the product has been saved/updated, it is not allowed to delete.

We suggest you export images and download them to your device before adding the watermark to your products.
How to Manage Products for Stores with Multiple Warehouses?

One store with multiple warehouses means that a single store can have multiple shipping warehouse. When a buyer places an order, the system can choose the most optimal warehouse based on the shipping address, which can greatly improve your fulfillment efficiency.


💡 Notes

1)Currently supported platforms:Shopee,Lazada,TikTok
For Shopee, sellers can add up to 30 warehouses, which helps reduce shipping costs and delivery time. This feature is currently available to a select group of users. You can contact Shopee Seller Education Hub to apply for multiple warehouses.

Product Management Steps

Step 1:Connect stores to BigSeller

You can refer to the tutorials below for guidance

1) Shopee Store Authorization
2) Lazada Store Authorization
3) TikTok Store Authorization

Step 2: Publish Products

Please refer to the following tutorials: How to Publish Product in BigSeller?

💡 Note: For all TikTok stores, a new option Enable Multi-Warehouses has been added to TikTok Draft > Edit Product page. You need to activate multiple warehouse on Tik Tok Seller Center first. After enabling, inventory will be displayed according to multiple warehouses.

Step 3:Product Management

Now, let's take TikTok Shop as an example:

1)From the TikTok's Active page, click to enter the product details editing page.

2)Edit on Active page

3)Bulk Edit


4)Import to edit stock

Step 4. Order Processing

The order processing flow of multi-warehouse stores remian unchanged. You can refer to this tutorial to learn how to process orders in BigSeller.


Step 5. Inventory Managemnet

1)  Setting push rules for one multi-warehouse stores
2)  Apart from setting the inventory push rules, the rest of the process is the same as for a regular store. Please refer to the tutorial for instructions: Introduction to Push Inventory

Which platforms does BigSeller support editing Product Pre-Order?
Platforms that support editing product pre-order at BigSeller are: Shopee, Lazada (Whitelist), Tokopedia

Tips: Lazada stores need to apply to the platform to open a whitelist before they can set up pre-order.

How to adjust image size of products?
Different platforms have varying size requirements for images. If you publish images that do not meet the platform's requirements, you will either report an error directly or the product will be delisted due to platform review failure. Additionally, if you want to modify the size of product image, you can try this feature.

Entrance: On Scrape Product Editing Page, Product Creation Page, and Draft&Active&Failed page.

The image will be proportionally scaled according to the width/height ratio set by the user.
e.g. The original size is 400*500, which means the width is 400 and the height is 500.
Now the width will be changed to 350,
So the scaling ratio is 350/400=0.875, then the new image width is 350, height=500*0.875=437.5

Take Scrape Product Editing Page as example:

How to set the return warehouse in TikTok Seller Center?
Sometimes, when a return warehouse is not set up, the product may fail to be published. You need to first set up a return warehouse in the seller center.

Steps: Go to TikTok Seller Center > My Account > Account Settings > Warehouse Settings > Edit/Add a return warehouse

Publish Product Error: There is duplicate tier option name and it cannot be duplicated
When publishing Shopee products, you may encounter a prompt that the product information is duplicated.
1. Please check whether the variation name is repeated. If yes, please modify the variation name and then retry to publish the product.

2. Synchronize the store products on BigSeller, and check if there were published products that are in repeated name. If yes, please modify the product name information and first image information, save and publish the product again.
Why the auto boost management didn’t work after I added my products to the circular list?

Here are some reasons.

It needs 10 minutes to start up.

The pinned products will not show the countdown time.

Your store authorization is expired, you need to reauthorize it.

Check if your product has been delete.

Why did the product not show on the store after I successfully upload it?

After upload the product from the scrape list, you need to go into the draft listing to edit and publish the product.

Can I scrape the same product repeatedly?

Yes. Turn off the button.

Why does it show “skipped” when scraping products?

Because this product has been scrapped and existed in the BigSeller scrape list.
You can copy the product name to the
scrape list for search.

Why did the product not show on the store after I successfully scraped it?

After scraped the product from other platforms, the product will be saved in scrape list and then you need to go into the scrape list to upload the product. 

How to do the product prices rounding?
If the store is priced in IDR or VND, and the number of prices is large, you can use this function to quickly do the price rounding, such as changing the last two digits to 00.
This article will introduce how to round the prices of multiple variant products in bulk.

When you edit the price for multi-variation products, you can see the "Round" icon. Click it.

1. Custom Mantissa
💡 Notes
1. The number 45039.72 -- The integer part is 45039, and the decimal part is 0.72.
2. The mantissa is the last few digits of a number.

For example: Number 45039.72 > modify the last 2 digits integer to 47, and remove decimal amount > 45047

2. Round Up

For example: Number 45039.72 > round 2 digits, the last 2 digits of the integer is 0 > 45000

How to auto delete backup images after publishing products successfully?
Currently, when publishing a product, if there have been image modifications, these images will be automatically backed up to the Gallery.
However, after the product is successfully published to the platform, these images will be updated with the platform's image links. Old images in the Gallery are not very useful and instead occupy the Gallery space.

You can use this feature to automatically delete the backup of relevant images in the Gallery for products that have been successfully published.

1. Auto Backed Up Images

BigSeller would automatically back up images when you do the following actions:

① [ Single Edit Product ] add or edit variation images, product images, size charts, product description pictures, and watermark;
② [ Bulk Edit Product ] edit images > add/upload/edit product images;
③ [ Bulk Add Watermark ] automatically backup the original image before adding watermark, and the new image after adding watermark;
④ [ Scrape List ] image > Upload local images, edit the product images.

💡 Note
1. [ Edit Picture ] Automatic backup the image after editing;
2. [ Add Watermark ] automatic backup images before/after adding watermark;
3. [ Upload Image ] automatic backup the picture you upload.

2. Auto Delete Backup images

Go to Products > Gallery > Settings > Enable the Auto Delete Backup Image Icon > Confirm

After enabling this feature, the backup images will be deleted through the following actions:
① Upload/edit a new image or add a watermark to the product > Publish it successfully
② The promotion watermark has expired > The product has been restored to its original image

💡 Note
1. The backup images will not be deleted if you only save the product after updating the image;
2. The system will not immediately delete backup images, there will be a slight delay.
How to convert image format to JPG/JPEG/PNG?
When publishing a product, you may encounter situations where the image cannot be opened or the image format is incorrect, resulting in publishing failure.
For example: upload file type is invalid (TikTok), image is invalid or not supported (Shopee).

In such cases, you can convert the image format to JPG/PNG/JPEG, and then upload the image again and publish the product.

You can quickly convert the image format to JPG/PNG/JPEG according to the following steps (using Google Chrome as an example).

copy the image url > open the url in a new web page > capture the screenshot and save it in PNG or JPEG format

💡 Tips:
If there are multiple image links in the failure reason (as shown in the figure below), it means there are multiple images. For each URL (each image), you need to follow the above steps to convert the image format and upload the image again before publishing the product.

How to copy variant images to product images?
On Lazada product editing page, you can copy the variant images to the product images or other variant images.

Steps: Go to Lazada Draft/Failed/Active listings > click the Edit icon >