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How to Auto Renew Promotions

After a discount promotion ends, sellers usually need to manually create a new promotion, requiring constant monitoring of promotion statuses. Now, BigSeller supports the automatic renewal of promotions after they expire.

✅ Supported promotion types


1. Steps to Set Promotion Auto Renewal

Taking Shopee discount promotion as an example, you can set up auto-renewal for discount promotions. Once the promotion ends, it will automatically renew based on the rules you have configured.

Method 1: Set Auto Renew when creating new promotion

1)Go to Shopee > Discount Promotions > +Create Promotion


2)Fill in Basic Information


3) Turn on Renew Feature:Choose Yes

4) Set the Start Time for the Renewed Promotion

  • Immediately After the Original Promotion: The new promotion will start immediately after the previous one ends.
  • Custom Start Time: You can set a custom start time for the next promotion, and save it as a frequently used date.
Example: If you want to run promotions on specific recurring dates, like Shopee double-digit spike days (e.g., 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4), you can set these dates as the start time for auto-renewal. This way, the system will automatically create new promotions on those fixed dates each month.

💡 Note: If a renewal start time falls within the current promotion period, the system will skip it and choose the nearest available start time after the promotion ends.

Meanwhile, you can also save frequently used dates for easy reference.


5)  Set Promotion Period

The duration of the renewed promotion can either match the original promotion or be set to 180 days.

  • Use the original period: The period of auto renewed promotion will be the same as the original one.
  • Set as 180 days: The maximum duration for this promotion type is 180 days.

6) Set End Time of Auto Renew

Once the end time is reached, the system will no longer automatically create renewed promotions.

7) Add Product Information


Method 2
: You can also set / cancel auto renew feature for the promotion by clicking [...] under Action menu.

1) Auto-Renew
  1. When the promotion status is Upcoming or Ongoing, the "Auto-Renew" option is displayed. Clicking this button will open a pop-up for setting auto renew.
  2. If auto-renewal is already enabled, clicking this button will also open a pop-up for editing the auto-renewal settings.
2) Cancel Auto-Renew
  1. If auto-renewal is enabled and the auto-renewal task has not yet ended, the "Cancel Auto-Renew" button will be displayed. Clicking this button will open a pop-up to confirm whether to cancel auto-renewal.

2. Introduction of Auto Renew Status

  • Not enabled: The promotion has not enabled auto-renewal.
  • Effective: Auto-renewal is enabled, and a new promotion will be automatically created after the current one ends.
  • Failed: Auto-renewal was enabled, but after promotion A ended, the system failed to create a new promotion. A’s renewal status is marked as "Failed".
  • Boost is Over: Auto-renewal was enabled, and after promotion A ended, a new promotion A1 was successfully created. A’s renewal status is marked as "Over."

Auto Renewal Tags

  • Green Tag: When auto-renewal is enabled for a promotion, a green tag will appear to indicate that a new promotion will be auto created after the curent one ends.
  • Blue Tag: Indicates this promotion was auto copied and created.

3. How to Check Auto Renew Record

Note: 200 auto renewing records will be displayed at most.

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