How to quickly generate Store SKU
Method 1: Generate by Simple Way
Format: Parent SKU-Variation 1-Variation 2
1. Open product details page and fill in Parent SKU(product without Parent SKU cannot generate SKU)
2. Click Generate > Select Simple > Hit Confirm

If you want to mass generate Store SKU, select products and hit Bulk Edit > Select Synchronize&Edit > Enter Parent SKU > Click Generate > Select Simple > Choose Confirm.

Method 2: Generate by Advanced Way(only available for single edit)
1. Open product details page and locate SKU column
2. Click Generate > Choose Advanced, now you can customize the way to generate Store SKU

Note: If you select Parent SKU only then all your variation SKUs will be the same. It's not allow to set them the same if you want to use the Sync Inventory feature.

i. Set SKU Format: You can drag the Parent SKU tab and Variation tab to change their order
ii. Prefix and Suffix: Manual input, Generate random numbers, Auto increment value
Manual input: Input a starting number
Generate random numbers: Choose 2 digits, 3 digits, or 4 digits
Auto increment value: Enter the starting number then system will auto increase 1 for each SKU. You can only enter a value greater than 0, and no more than 10 digits. For example, the starting number is 1:
iii. Connection Symbol: Used for connecting Parent SKU and variation. Not required.
1. The default symbol is “-”.
2. Support symbol: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | ; : ' " , < . > / ?
3. Up to 3 symbols can be entered.
You can modify the SKU to letter abc or 123.

v. Revert
vi. Preview
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