How to manually stock out via PDA?
You can use PDA to stock out the merchant SKU to deduct stock.
Step 1: Login BigSeller in PDA and complete the PDA settings
scan the QR code or click the link to open BigSeller page on your PDA > login BigSeller

Complete the PDA settings first
Click the settings icon > select the common warehouse > set the scan settings

Step 2: Manual Stock Out

After confirming stock-out in PDA, There will be a record in BigSeller web page.

Step 1: Login BigSeller in PDA and complete the PDA settings
scan the QR code or click the link to open BigSeller page on your PDA > login BigSeller

Complete the PDA settings first
Click the settings icon > select the common warehouse > set the scan settings

Step 2: Manual Stock Out

After confirming stock-out in PDA, There will be a record in BigSeller web page.

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