
Introduction to 3PL Logistics Service (3PL/TPL)

1. What is 3PL?

A 3PL (third-party logistics) provider can store your inventory; pick, pack and ship your products; and provide a vital link between your manufacturing operations and your end customers. When your order fulfillment operations run smoothly, your customers are happy and your business grows. It’s not an exaggeration to say that excellent fulfillment is the key to success for eCommerce companies.

Third-party refers to the fact that you’re outsourcing your order fulfillment. You don’t own the warehouse, hire the staff, or manage the operations. Instead, you rent storage space for your products in a large warehouse that stores products for multiple companies. Warehouse employees receive your products and place them into inventory. They pick items from shelves to fill orders and pack them securely for shipping. The 3PL works with various carriers to deliver orders to your clients.

2. Why choose 3PL?

  • High Efficient Shipping Service -- Deliver your product smoothly from one party to the other.
  • Wide Range of Service Targets -- Whether eCommerce businesses or shoestrings, 3PL will provide you with flexible options for customized logistics services.
  • Save Money and Time -- Allowing you to focus on marketing, growth, and customer satisfaction.

3. How to choose 3PL?

You can select logistics service providers based on your service country (target market), and then compare whether different service providers meet your other needs.

BigSeller currently supports:
Country Logistics Name
Malaysia J&T Express Malaysia, Ninja Van, SPX Express
Philippines J&T Express Philippines, SPX Express
Indonesia J&T Express Indonesia, Sicepat Express, J&T Cargo Indonesia, Ninjavan Indonesia, SPX Exress
Thailand J&T Express Thailand, Flash Express(TH), iShip Thailand, SPX Express
Vietnam GHN Express Vietnam, J&T Express Vietnam, SPX Express
Singapore EasyParcel Singapore, Ninja Van, SPX Express

Below is the introduction of each logistics service provider. Click on the name to go to their webpage to learn more information.

1. J&T Express Malaysia
  • Service Country: Malaysia
  • J&T Express Malaysia services all regions of Malaysia;
  • Currently, only J&T Regular shipping is supported on BigSeller, and next day delivery or MPS is not supported. The actual package weight shall not exceed 30kg.

2. J&T Express Philippines
  • Service Country: Philippines
  • J&T Express Philippines is only available in selected cities. Click HERE for more details.

3. J&T Express Indonesia
  • Service Country: Indonesia
  • There are four service types for J&T Express Indonesia: EZ, ECO, Next Day, Same Day. The package weight limits and service area for each service type are shown in the following table.
Service Type Maximum Weight Limit Service Area
EZ 50 KG All Indonesia
ECO 50 KG All Java Island, Palembang, Nambang, Aceh, Mingguru, Jambi, Medan, Padang, Beiganbalu, Lantau
*The destination is Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Bali (the delivery time depends on the destination region).
Next Day 5.3 KG Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Batam
Same Day 5.3 KG Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Batam

4. J&T Cargo Indonesia
  • Service Country: Indonesia
  • J&T Cargo Indonesia provides large cargo transportation services for Indonesian sellers, with outlet coverage in cities across Indonesia.
  • Cash-on-delivery services are not supported.

5. Sicepat Express
  • Service Country: Indonesia
  • Currently, Sicepat Express Indonesia supports the following five services on BigSeller:
Regular: regular express delivery service, available for all regions of Indonesia;
SIUNTUNG: low price and fast delivery time;
BEST: next-day delivery, only 1 day to reach major cities in Indonesia;
GOKIL: ship oversized and overweight packages at a more economical price, with a minimum delivery weight of 10kg;
KEPO: valuables transport service (insurance fees are enabled by default when using this service)

6.  J&T Express Thailand
  • Service Country: Thailand
  • J&T Express Thailand services all regions of Thailand (remote areas will be shipped according to the specific requirements);
  • The length of the package shall not exceed 100cm, and the sum of the three sides shall not exceed 180cm; The actual package weight shall not exceed 50kg;
  • The phone number must consist of 10 digits starting from 06/08/09.

7. GHN Express Vietnam
  • Service Country: Vietnam
  • Giao hàng nhanh (GHN) is always committed to providing the best logistics services. The passion for quality has helped GHN achieve incredible achievements over the past 10 years.
  • GHN supports GHN Truyền Thống(VN) and GHN TMĐT(VN), You can directly use GHN TMĐT(VN) after authorizing successfully, and need to sign a relevant agreement with GHN in advance to pack orders with GHN Truly ề n Th ố ng (VN).

8. EasyParcel Singapore
  • Service Country: Singapore
  • EasyParcel provides easy-access solutions for delivery service bookings, connecting with more than 10 logistics service providers including J&T Express, NinjaVan and Singpost.
  • After connecting with EasyParcel in BigSeller, you can select the logistics that EasyParcel connects to after checking the shipping fee on New Orders list.
  • Service Country: Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
  • Shopee Xpress is one of the Shopee Supported Logistics which will enable you to enjoy fast, smooth, and reliable logistics services to deliver products to your buyers.
