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How to check Shopee Ads data?

After you have connected the Shopee Ads permission to BigSeller, you can check the Shopee Ads performance in BigSeller.

💡 Notes
  • Only Shopee local stores can authorize the ad application; 3PF stores are not supported.
  • Shopee ads data is updated daily in real-time, covering statistics from 00:00 to 24:00 each day. (Data Refresh: Click to refresh in real-time. If not clicked, it will automatically refresh every 30 minutes)

1. Go to  Report > Sales Summary > Shopee Ads page

2. Currently, BigSeller Shopee Ads supports viewing ads performance data for both store-level CPC ads and product-level campaigns. This makes it easier to manage your Shopee ads with precision.

💡 You can manually switch between Store Data and Ads Campaign

📑 Check Ads Performance by Store Data

You can check Ads datas from all of the stores, or select one specific store to view the Ads data.

The data like views, clicks, conversion, sold products, spend will be shown in this data report. You can select the displayed filed, drag to adjust the column order, and freeze certain columns on the left to quickly find out the data you need.You can export and download the report.

📑 Check Ads Performance by Ads Campaign

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and in the All Ads List, you can view the performance of each ad based on specified conditions, including budget, duration, status, and other key metrics.

3. Shopee Ads Performance Metrics
  • Impressions: The number of times buyers see your ad.

  • Clicks: The number of times buyers click on your ad (Shopee filters out repeated clicks from the same buyer within a short period).

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of buyers who click on your ad after seeing it. CTR = (Clicks ÷ Impressions) × 100%.

  • Direct Conversions: The number of times a buyer purchases the advertised product within 7 days of clicking the ad.

  • Conversions: The number of times a buyer purchases any product from your store within 7 days of clicking your ad.

  • Direct Conversion Rate: The percentage of buyers who purchase the advertised product after clicking the ad. Direct Conversion Rate = (Direct Conversions ÷ Clicks) × 100%.

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of buyers who make a purchase from your store after clicking the ad. Conversion Rate = (Conversions ÷ Clicks) × 100%.

  • Direct Sold Products: The total quantity of advertised products sold within 7 days of clicking the ad.

  • Sold Products: The total quantity of any products purchased from your store within 7 days of clicking the ad.

  • Direct Sales Amount: The total sales revenue from the advertised product within 7 days of clicking the ad.

  • Sales Amount: The total sales revenue from any product purchased from your store within 7 days of clicking the ad.

  • Spend: The total amount spent on ads.

  • Cost per Conversion: The average cost per conversion. Cost per Conversion = Ad Spend ÷ Conversions.

  • Cost per Direct Conversion: The average cost per direct conversion. Cost per Direct Conversion = Ad Spend ÷ Direct Conversions.

  • Direct Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated from advertised products compared to ad spend. Direct ROAS = Direct Sales Revenue ÷ Ad Spend.

  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The total revenue generated compared to ad spend. ROAS = Sales Revenue ÷ Ad Spend.

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