Steps to Add a Merchant SKU
There are 4 ways to create a Merchant SKU:
1. Manually createIf you are already using the inventory function in BigSeller, and now there are new products to be sold, and you want to monitor the inventory of the new products, you can manually create.
2. Import Excel to create
If you have been using Excel to manage your warehouse before, you can choose to import Excel to create it.
3. Generate based on store SKU with one click
If the store SKUs of the products in your store have been filled in a standard way, and it is the first time to use the inventory function of bigseller, you can choose to use this method.
4. When sync order, system will automatically create according to the SKU
If you just want to monitor the inventory of products that have been sold, and the store SKU has been filled in a standard way, you can turn on the "Create Merchant SKU automatically" button, and the system will create a merchant SKU based on the store SKU of the product in the order.
Method 1: Manually create
Step 1: Go to Merchant SKU > Click on + Add Merchant SKU > Choose Add Single SKU or Add Combination SKU (Take Add Single SKU as an example)

Step 2: Enter basic information

- SKU Name: Merchant SKU name, which can be used to generate labels;
- Title
- GTIN: Number under barcode on product packaging;
- Reference Price: A fixed cost price, (When stocking in products, the unit price of the product defaults to the SKU cost price. If the cost price is 0, the system will take the reference price.);
- Date of Sale: The publish date of the merchant SKU is only used for the calculation of the Average Daily Outbound field on Merchant SKU Report;
- Sales Status: Including Active and Stop Selling status, (For products in a stop-selling state, no purchase suggestions are generated).
Step 3: Set the mapping relationship with the store SKU. Click + Add Mapping Store SKU, then select product

Step 4: Enter weight information

Step 5: Select the warehouse, put the Merchant SKU in the warehouse you want and enter the stock quantity, cost,
Please note that you have to select a warehouse at least.

Method 2: Import Excel to create
Step 1: Go to Merchant SKU > Click on Import&Export > Click on Import Merchant SKU or Import Combination SKU

Step 2: Click Download a Template to download the imported Excel, then fill in the Excel > Then click Click Here to Upload Excel> Click Confirm

Method 3: Generate based on store SKU with one-click
- Quickly Mapping Merchant SKU: How to quickly generate and map Merchant SKU?
- Generate Merchant SKU:
Before using this method to generate the merchant SKU, you must ensure that the selected products have store SKU filled in a standard way, because the system will generate Merchant SKU based on the Store SKU.

If you don't want to take the active product stocks as the inventory of Merchant SKU when you generate merchant SKU with one click, you can select “Generate merchant SKU only without stock-in” as shown in the figure below. In this way, a new merchant SKU with 0 stock will be generated.

Method 4: When sync order, system will automatically create according to the SKU
Step 1: Click Settings > Click Inventory Settings > Open Create Merchant SKU Automatically
Must ensure that the selected products have store SKUs filled in a standard way, because the system will generate merchant SKUs based on the store SKU.

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