1. u'cannot close force enable channels', 'channel': 'Standard Delivery

    解决方法:请先到Shopee卖家中心开启Standard Delivery物流方式后重新刊登产品

2. u'cannot close force enable channels', 'channel': 'Shopee Express
     解决方法:请先到Shopee卖家中心开启开启Shopee Express物流方式后重新刊登产品

3. get attribute fail : server_error

4. Estimated days for shipping of item cannot be edited : error_edit

5. Description of item cannot be edited : error_edit

6. u'weight or size is invalid for the open channel

7. logistic_id 89999's shipping_fee should be 0

8. check logistics fail,http error : GetShopChannelIdFromFulfillment failed : error_logistics_param
    You can’t enable related logistics because shop disable this channel
    not enabled in shop level


9. check logistics fail,invalid field LogisticsChannelList: value '[]' must contain at least 1 elements
    check logistics fail,http error : error_logistics_param
    u'channel not found in shop'
    check logistics fail,Product should enable at least one channel : error_logistics_param
    logistics is require


10. item upload controller whole sale range no pass
      item upload controller price_limit no pass
      wholesale price is less than ratio limit
      Unit Price of wholesale should be less than original price.


11. u'cannot close or open channels for product when in bundle deal

12. u'cannot close or open channels for product when in add on deal
      item is in add_on_deal activity


13. item upload controller description_len no pass

14. partner and shop has no linked
     解决方法:店铺授权有问题,请在BigSeller设置 > 店铺授权中重新授权店铺后重新刊登

15. type of category_id is invalid, should be integer

16. type of tier_variation[0].name is invalid, should be string



18. max should less than 999999

19. unit_price should bigger than 100
     unit_price should bigger than 0.1

     解决方法:批发价应大于0.01/ 100,请修改批发价后重新刊登

20. Item cannot be changed to pre-order

21. spex error : Item count reaches shop limit

22. spex error : Item in promotion cannot change stock
      In ongoing/upcoming promotion, model price cannot be editted


23. spex error : Model price min

24. shop is in holiday mode,user cannot change Item
     shop is in holiday mode,cannot add Item
     shop is in holiday mode,user cannot change models


25. seller is under penalty cannot change item name


26. This category do not support size chart


27. spex error : tier variation name is 20 > limit 14


28. The info you quried doesn't exsit in database

29.  min is required

30. Wholesale price is only available when all variations are of the same price.
     When item in wholesale, all of models should use the same price Service Error. Please have a try.


31. Wholesale max should be bigger than min of this tier.

32. Your store authorization has expired, please reauthorize


33. Weight is required

34. Weight invalid. weight must between 0.01 to 1000000

35. price should less then :150000000.0

36. Options of tier_variation should be unique

37. Must contains all mandatory attribute

38. maxLength of variation
     maxLength of item_sku is invalid


39. Invalid shopid or Invalid account status : error_banned

40. Count of images should be equal with count of options.