You can customize Merchant SKU Category, and select different categories for different products, quickly distinguish and find products.

1. Merchant SKU Category currently supports three levels.
2. Moving sort is not supported. If you want to change the order, you can only delete or rebuilt a category.


1. Add Merchant SKU Categories

Step 1 : Go to Merchant SKU>Merchant SKU category

Step 2: Add Merchant SKU categories

💡 Merchant SKU Category can also be imported in batch

Steps: Download template > Fill in category information > Upload the Excel file to BigSeller


2. Set category for Merchant SKU

You can set the category one by one, bulk edit, or import to update.
Method 1:
Edit one by one

Method 2: Bulk Edit
Go to Inventory>Click on Merchant SKU>Select Merchant SKU>Click on Set Category>Select a category

Method 3: Import to Update
Please be sure that merchant SKU has been created already.